Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sciency Stuff (Documented & Designed by an Artist)

 I had a great time experimenting with one of my videographer friends, Jake. I was assisting him in testing various dye reactions in a variety of water based solutions. He will be filming the final (cooliest) dye reactions as part of a professional project.

 In no particular order...
Water bases: salt water, soapy water, fruit pectin mixed in water
Injected materials: india ink, fabric dyes, food coloring, black acrylic paint
I brought crazy products to try.... These didn't make it to the test kitchen:
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

I guess g l i t t e r isn't very professional.


I've never thought about trying to buy needles and syringes...
but you can gather what CVS employees might be thinking.

 Cool food-safe hose hooked up to the kitchen sink.
...the things ya learn

J A K E' S rad camera. 
(Canon 5D Mark III)


Behind the scenes

A definite winner.

Next we watched dyes travel (or not travel) on dry land (sorta).
We drew water patterns on surfaces like:
poster board, duck cloth, and other woven fabrics.

These are simple snapshots, but the video recording is mesmerizing.
The dye quickly traveled down our handmade paths.

My photography and textile design passions are often intertwined.
I'm amazed at how well they work together.

A pattern is born.

Admittedly, this is a little grotesque, but with some manipulation the product can be quite beautiful.

  ...continuing with the "gory" theme.
We poured fabric dye in the baking tray so we could lay fabric on it to see if it would absorb around the areas we painted

Heat gun and camera in hand.

What a rich rich red.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Music Art Charts Revealed

by Lacey Sombar
(photographer + textile artist)

It all began with an idea that hit me in the middle of March 2013. Read about it HERE.

I opened up the project to art friends on Facebook
and here are a few of their creative responses
(with artists' names below work): 

by Melissa Lee
(graphic designer)

by Kuleigh Beckett
(painter + photographer)

                                                                                                                           by Kelsey Edwards

by Page Perrault
(photographer + textile artist)

by Art Gomez
His piece is entitled "5 Seasons of Jazz".
His five top favorite jazz artists: Frank Sinatra, West Montgomery, Billy Holiday, John Coltrane and Poncho Sanchez.

Thanks to all who contributed art charts!
Future projects to come!