Monday, March 25, 2013

It Appears to be Summer...

But it's not. Not summer and just barely spring. Oh well. 
"Unseasonably cold weather" says the meteorologist.

I wish it was the 4th of July.
It's always the 4th of July in my heart.
Emmie, my Americana kitty.

I finally bought new plants for our deck and they've been camping "out" inside of our apartment because of the freezing temperatures we've had almost every night for the past few days.

So I choose to make art out of my gypsy plants.

Here's what it Actually looks like outside.
 I don't know how these little buddies have survived (although I guess they are succulents!)
New potting soil and pots coming soon.

There's a trick to getting her to look so awesome.
I simply waved my 79 cent American flag above my head.
A win/win.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Two Weeks 'Til Art Chart(s) Reveal

Hey folks! Check out my totally unrevealing art chart:

I would love for anyone interested in this little project to feel free to submit their charts! I love that we are all made so differently...we love different musical artists and they (subconsciously) represent our seasonal moods. Share your musical moods of the year by submitting by April 6th and you're good to go! All entries will appear on the blog :)

View the previous post HERE for specifics on how this idea came to mind and parameters for submissions.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pie Chart Art

 Friends of my art world, I never get to see half of you anymore (make that Most of you).
Some artists I don't know as well, 
but you are equally included in this fun project I've come up with! 

Today I was inspired by an open sun roof, average temperature of 75 degrees, and a random Jack Johnson song that came on my radio. I used to listen to Jack year-round, but now I reserve him mainly for spring months. I think it takes me back to my time as a soon-to-be high school graduate and the excitement of summer and the end of school altogether 
(minus the 5.5 years I spent in college).

So if Jack Johnson = spring, what does summer, fall, and winter equal?

I love music and categorizing it by emotion, environment, and mood. Maybe it's the mini-psychologist in me. Also, I love the idea of creating pie charts of art. Mmm. I purposely made the pie chart above minimalistic and similar in hue so I wouldn't influence the artists that will contribute to this little mini project. I would love to see any and every interpretation of a pie chart...of course filled with 4 or 5 artist (or however many you want to include!) in every season. 

Requirements (if you will):
  • All four seasons be represented
  • 72 dpi, 9x9" (the size of my chart above) - or anything less than 1,000 pix squared
  • Submit your fabulously creative (all you) seasonal musically based pie chart by April 6, 2013 (that's three weeks)

Once everyone has submitted their charts to me via email then I will post all the lovely pie charts on my blog in one awesome pie-filled post (too bad I didn't think of this before Pi Day).  The best part about it is that this is not a contest! 
Everyone's art will make the final cut!

Email me:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Diary of a Dirty Girl

On my beach trip to Pawleys Island we were just down-right dirty.
Especially these two ladies.
Why shower when you can stand on the beach, ride bikes, and lay in bed every single day?
I want to take a moment, a post, to rock these dirty girl times we had :)

A scene from a girl about to take a beach nap.

The dirtiness continues down by the waves.

Stay tuned for some clean posts.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Friends on Film Project

Just as I felt an art stuper coming on...this happens. 
Film arrived in my inbox.
So far I am loving how The Darkroom works.
They process your film and email the links of your scanned film so you can see it while you're waiting on the developed film and prints to arrive in the mail. Superb idea.

I am excited to start showcasing some fabulous girls on cold hard film. 
Two things I love in one.
Introducing F.O.F.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Blog Re-Inspired

I was able to get away from my city for a couple of days and I am resting on the sands of Litchfield Beach, SC. As usual, I almost instantly miss city life when I arrive at a place of less "movement".  All this free time has given me more than a few moments to ponder the things I love and things that need improvement in my life. Somehow vacation always does this to me. I don't think it's bad at all. It gives me time to self-analyze (which I do all the time anyways) minus the stress and distraction of work and weekly detailed to-dos.

I am constantly receive confirmation that I am an artist and I am in the right field as soon as I step an inch away from it (and a little nudge from God). I almost never want a break from it unless I've super-indulged myself in a constant creative workflow. So as I sit in a lovely oceanfront hotel room, I think to myself, has my blog reached it's full potential? The answer is No. I want so much more for it. I've just begun to crack the door for people to peek into my life. There is so much more to be said and posted! 

The problem is time and deciding where to place my energy. Most of it is going towards creating my website and building my portfolio for my website. The other issue is that it is difficult for me to vocally showcase myself in the social media world. I would love to share my experiences and growth with the Lord with whoever chooses to read my blog. I have a passion for blogging and I think I want to roll that direction at some point. So what would I direction would I delve into on Half Hipster? Several areas:

- Patterns (wallpaper, textile design, patterns in home interiors and furniture, posts on pattern makers)

- Write-ups on artists of all kinds (mainly ones I am inspired by)

- Introductions to bloggers who are just creatively awesome

- More posts on music and the up-and-comings in that genre

- "What I'm Eating" posts (including more illustrations on top of personal photographs)

- How to be "More American" posts (my growing love for Americana style + 4th of July)

- More posts of film, scanning and Photoshop (not sure why I saved this addition for last because it is my #1 priority and how I make an income...probably because it's the only thing I'm including on this blog currently)